Shape of the Day
- Attendance
- Free apples
- Return In-class assignment on Work, Energy, and Power (period 2)
- Re-do on Tuesday, June 4
- Period 1
- In-class assignment on solving and building resistor/LED/switch circuits – Wednesday, June 5
- Go over homework – Worksheet – Solving Complex Resistor Circuits
- Build resistor circuits using circuit kits, and measure the voltages
- Power the circuits using 5.0 V from the power supply
- Build each of the 6 circuits at the end of Worksheet – Introduction to Electric Circuits
- Measure the voltage of each component.
- Verify that Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (or the loop rule) is satisfied for each loop in the circuit
- What happens when you use an LED of a different colour?
- Period 2
- In-class assignment on waves and sound – Wednesday, June 5
- Review homework – Worksheet – Waves and Sound Review
- Lab – String Harmonics
- Wrap-up
- Period 2: Finish String Harmonics lab for Monday