Shape of the Day
Current unit: Cribbage and Linear Relations and Equations
- Attendance
- Sit according to the seating chart
- No FIT: 80 minute class
- Period 3: Take down unused chairs near you
- Squares, Square Roots, and the Pythagorean Theorem test redo returned on Friday
- Try warm-up questions on slips of paper (~15 minutes)
- Work time (15 minutes)
- New homework: p.357 5, 7, 8bc, 9ad, 10ac, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20
- If too easy, try Rates and Ratios problem sheet
- Check homework: Lesson 3 – Linear Relationships examples 1b, 2abc, 3abcd
- Period 4: Check homework from yesterday – Lesson 2 sheet
- Cribbage (35 minutes)
- As a class: Draw random 6 card hands and discuss which cards to discard to the crib
- Play for the rest of the class
- Choose your own partner
- Save progress towards 121 on your own cribbage board
- Wrap-up
- Cribbage test redo next Tuesday (Dec. 3)
- Homework: p.357 5, 7, 8bc, 9ad, 10ac, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20
- If too easy, try Rates and Ratios problem sheet
- Period 4: Put up all the chairs