Shape of the Day
Current unit: Cribbage and Linear Relations and Equations
- Attendance
- Sit according to the seating chart
- FIT: 60 minute class
- Period 3: Take down unused chairs near you
- Squares, Square Roots, and the Pythagorean Theorem test redo is today during FIT
- Warm-up questions on whiteboards (~25 minutes)
- What are two numbers that add up to 3?
- What are two numbers that add up to -3?
- Video: How to ADHD: Why Is It So Hard to Do Something That Should Be Easy? (Wall of Awful pt. 1) (15 minutes)
- Lesson 3 – Linear Relationships (5 minutes)
- Do example 1a as a class
- Homework: finish examples 1b, 2abc, 3abcd
- Work time (10 minutes)
- Check homework due today: p. 348 – 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19
- Homework due tomorrow: examples 1b, 2abc, 3abcd
- Wrap-up
- Pythagorean Theorem test redo during FIT
- Cribbage test redo next Tuesday (Dec. 3)
- Homework: finish examples 1b, 2abc, 3abcd
- Period 4: Put up all the chairs