Shape of the Day
Current unit: Squares and Square Roots and The Pythagorean Theorem
- Attendance
- Sit where you were yesterday
- Period 3: Take down unused chairs near you
- Period 3: 12:15 – 1:10 (55 minutes)
- Period 4: 1:15 – 2:00 (45 minutes)
- Try warm-up questions on the board
- Gauss Math Contest
- May 14, 1:50 – 2:50 PM, Room 307
- Join the “Van Tech Math Contests 2024 Team” on Microsoft Teams – join code is on the poster
- Cribbage
- Will be playing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this week and next
- Test on cribbage on Wednesday, November 20
- Group Work
- Group 1
- New worksheet on adding/subtracting signed numbers (E57-E58)
- Homework: finish both sides of worksheet
- Group 2
- Lesson 4: “Using the Pythagorean Relationship”
- Homework: p. 104 3-7, 11-14
- Group 3
- Finish Lesson 4 at your own pace
- Try Questions of the Week 3 & 4
- Group 1
- Wrap-up
- Homework
- Group 1: Finish both sides of worksheet (E57-E58)
- Group 2: Finish lesson 4, p. 104 3-7, 11-14
- Group 3: Look over group 2 homework and try Questions of the Week 3 & 4
- Period 4: Put up all the chairs
- Homework