Shape of the Day
Current unit: Squares and Square Roots and The Pythagorean Theorem
- Attendance
- Sit with someone you work well with
- Period 3: Take down unused chairs near you
- Period 3: Get out your squares from yesterday
- Daylight saving time ends between Saturday and Sunday at 2 a.m.
- Period 3: Build right triangles from squares
- Assignment – Exploring the Pythagorean Relationship
- Work with your partner, but submit individually
- Cribbage
- If you know how to play, play
- If you do not know how to play, follow an example hand with Mr. Renwick
Example Cricket Hand
- Assignment – Cribbage Hands – postponed to Monday
- Submit with your partner
- Wrap-up
- No homework
- Submit triangle assignment before leaving class
- Period 4: Put up all chairs